Political Action

The levers of political power available to you.

In the following pages, you can find resources to help you make the most informed decision at the ballot box. But I want to stress that voting is not the only lever of political power available to us, just the most accessible. Most often forget that the elections most impactful to your daily material conditions are the local elections. The national ballot does effect everyone; every now and then someone will enact some kind of true change instead of continuing the status quo. 

However, your political power does not start and stop in November. There are local organizations that live and operate in this community working towards advancing our interests. Elected officials hold town halls to speak to the local population. Go inside to ask the hard questions. Stand outside in protest to the latest travesty. If someone doesn’t want to listen, that doesn’t mean you must remain silent.

The Machinists Non-Partisan Political League is you IAM’s way to fight for our needs in the governments’ halls of power. Participating in the money game of Washington is not cheap, and the MNPL relies on contributions from people like us.

Updated: February 29, 2024 — 2:45 pm